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Two to watch out for leaving without paying.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:02am
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Posts: 1

Location: El Cotillo

Joined: 17 Nov 2023

Hi, just wanted to warm restaurant owners about two rather nasty people who did a runner from Temperino last night. A quite short long blond haired surfer guy and a slightly taller blond girl, both mid 20s. Completely trashed their table, with food everywhere, both seriously drunk, kept an eye on the staff until nobody about and then disappeared across the car park. Fortunately a member of staff came out and was pointed in the right direction. 5 mins later both were brought back to pay their bill. Such a lovely place cotillo, with restaurants trying hard to make a living, just a horrible thing to do, as it’s the waiting staff who’d probably have to pay the bill.

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