Question around how my British husband can come to live in Fuerteventura - Residency in Puerto Del Rosario: padron, residencia and passport advice - Puerto Del Rosario forum - Fuerteventura forum in the Canary Islands province of Spain

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Question around how my British husband can come to live in Fuerteventura

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 12:15pm
1 reply1 member subscribed

Posts: 1

Location: Puerto Del Rosario

Joined: 26 Nov 2024

I would be grateful for any advice on the following question regarding the right to live in Fuerteventura.

I am an Irish national so I assume I would be okay to live here, but my husband of 20 years is a British national. We both currently work remotely so any advice on internet speed would also be great.

We also have two cats that we would be looking to bring with us.

We know Fuerteventura fairly well and have been travelling to the island for many years we lived and worked here for a few months pre pandemic, but struggled with the internet connection, also pre brexit

Thanks in advance f


Posted: Sun Dec 1, 2024 9:03pm

Posts: 5

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Location: Caleta de Fuste

Joined: 18 Feb 2024

Posted: Sun Dec 1, 2024 9:03pm

Hi, we made the move 2 years ago with me being on an EU passport and my husband british. For you it's just a case of making an appointment at the police station and you will get your residency card straight away. Once you got your residency you can start applying for your husband's TIE card. There are people in the island who can help you with all the paperwork. We also brought our little dog over. Certain airlines such as Lufthansa, KLM, Iberia will let your pets travel In the cabin if under 8kg. We used Lufthansa from Manchester via Germany. I believe you will be able to take 1 cat/dog per person in a travel bag which goes under your front seat. The internet speed depends on where you live on the island and whether there is fibre installed. We haven't got fibre but I still manage to work remotely from home. I believe the internet speed has generally improved on the island over the years with more options available. 

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